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Dedicated to the promotion of informed discussion on foreign policy and international affairs
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Programs 2021-22

September 09: Neil Wiley, recently retired Principal Executive for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) The Second Oldest Profession - Why the intelligence community exists and why you should care.

October 14: Gen. (Ret.) John Allen – President, Brookings Institution “American Leadership in the 21st Century”

November 11: Brantly Womack – Emeritus Professor of Foreign Affairs at the University of Virginia “China – Beyond Engagement”

December 09: Dr. Fiona Hill, Brookings Institution Senior Fellow -- Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe "Peak Authoritarianism: Ahead of us or behind us?"

January 13: Claudia Rosett, Fellow of the Hudson Institute, formerly writer and editor at the Wall Street Journal “Dysfunction in the UN: What Next?”

February 10: Hsiao Bi-khim, Representative of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the United States "America, Taiwan: A Strategic Partnership"

March 10: Dr. Glen Crowther – Florida International University Cybersecurity Center "Cyber Strategy"

April 14: Robert Kaplan, Robert Strausz-Hupé Chair in Geopolitics at the Foreign Policy Research Institute The Return of Empire and Great Power Competition: The United States, Russia, and China in the Second Stage of Globalization

May 19: Anne Marie Slaughter CEO – New America Foundation Is America Really Back?