About Us
CCFR is a membership organization bringing together people who support the promotion of dialogue on international affairs. The members are from Charlottesville and the surrounding areas of Virginia, with backgrounds from business, government, the professions, academia, the military and many other fields. They have experiences in virtually every area of the world as a result of their subject interests, origins, foreign assignments, and travel. We encourage active participation at meetings by members and their guests to enrich our discussions. The CCFR is a 501(c)(3). organization registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
What We Do
The CCFR meets once a month, from September through May, for dinner meetings with prominent experts or officials who address leading topics in foreign policy, international security, and global affairs. Our speakers are typically current or past members of the diplomatic service or government agencies, research organizations, academic institutions, journalists, or others with significant expertise. Our speakers are drawn from around the country as well as overseas, bringing both American and foreign perspectives to our discussions.
In addition to the regular dinner meetings, we hold occasional luncheon meetings with prominent speakers on subjects of current interest.
CCFR meetings provide ample time for social and substantive conversation among the members. Each talk is followed with extensive opportunity for questions and discussion with the speaker. The meetings are held off-the-record so our speakers can feel free to be candid in their remarks and in exchanges with the audience.